Calendar and Events

” if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Event Schedule Planner 2021

Monthly Class Activitie


Dear Parents,

Welcome to a new school year at Canaa Day Care Center.

A new school year is a very exciting time, and we are happy to be sharing this time with and your family. Caring for your child is both a privilege and a responsibility. Here at Canaa Day Care Center, our goal is to provide the very best quality care possible for your child. If we work together, we can promote your child’s healthy growth and development in a secure environment.

Through the Creative Curriculum we will be facilitating the adaptation of our children in the new classrooms, with new friends and teachers and thus reaching the goals.

At School:

 This month, we will celebrate our children and acknowledge their uniqueness. We will also talk to them about the importance of honoring our parents and loving all our family members. We also will talk about friends, neighbors and our school. We will read books related to the themes of study and we will take time exploring our new classrooms and getting to know our new friends. We want all the children, without exception, to know that this school is a loving place where they can learn freely and having lots of fun.

At Home:

Read book to your child and invest your time talking to him/her about the things he/she is doing in school. Sit down to play a game with him/her or sing a song and shake some maracas for example. You can also sing and this will enhance your child language development.

Suggested Books:

My Somebody Special by Sarah Weeks

A Day at School by Kevin Terry

All About Me by Melanie Gerth


We are closed for certain holidays:

  1. Dr. Martin Luther King’s Birthday (third Monday of January)
  2. President’s day (third Monday of February)
  3. Good Friday (April) Sexta-Feira Santa (Abril)
  4. Memorial Day (May) Memorial Day (Maio)
  5. Graduation Day (one Friday in June, date to be determined)
  1. Independence Day (July)
  2. Last Friday of Summer Program- Date to be announced
  3. Labor Day (September)
  4. Columbus Day (2nd Monday of October)
  5. Veteran’s Day (November 11)
  6. Thanksgiving (2 days: Third Thursday and Friday of November)
  7. Christmas Eve (December 24)
  8. Christmas Day (December 25)
  9. New Year’s Eve (December 31)
  10. New Year’s Day (January 01)

There will be early closings on snow days and parents will be advised.

Waiting list

Send an email with the age of the child. We will call you when we have an available spot.

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